2024 and Still Blogging? Yep, Here's Why

by - 8/16/2024 08:00:00 AM

Did you know? 
Blogging was once considered the coolest way to share your thoughts online.

Why? No One Seems to Read Anymore

Okay, so here's the deal: Everyone’s all about social media now. 
People are sharing photos, videos, and captions, and it seems like blogging’s become this old-school thing.

But, you know what? 
That’s exactly why I’m diving back into blogging. 

After ten years of this blog sitting in the dust, I realized social media just isn’t cutting it for me anymore. 

When I’d post on social, I’d get all anxious, overthinking every little detail—like, did someone unfollow me? And why? 

Here’s the thing: with blogging, I can just write freely without stressing about who’s reading or not. 

If someone doesn’t like it, they can just move on. 
No drama.

Why I Keep Blogging

For one, I absolutely love reading a good blog post. 
There’s something about finding a really well-written article that just makes my day. 
It’s like discovering a hidden treasure of joy.

Plus, blogging gives me this awesome freedom
I can share my thoughts and ideas without worrying about likes or follows.

I don’t need to know who’s seeing my stuff.
I’m just happy to get my thoughts out there.

I also find writing a great outlet. 
I can type out my ideas way faster than I can speak them. 

The Science Behind Writing

Here’s a fun fact: writing regularly has some pretty cool benefits. 

Research shows that it can reduce stress, improve memory, and even boost your mood. 

It’s like therapy for your brain. 
Writing helps you organize your thoughts, reflect on your experiences, and gain insights into yourself. 

It’s not just about getting words on a screen.
It’s a tool for mental well-being. (Yeah, this one’s for you, millennials!)

So, Why Blog in 2024?

Maybe the real reason I’m still blogging is because I might not blog tomorrow. 

I don’t know what the future holds, and maybe social media will win me back someday. 
Maybe even later today.

But for now, I’m enjoying the space and freedom blogging gives me. 

It’s a bit like dancing alone in your room—sometimes you just need that moment to yourself.

So, if you’re wondering why I’m still blogging in 2024, it’s because, for me.
It’s not about the numbers or the followers. 

It’s about the joy of writing and the freedom to express myself without the noise of social media. 

Who knows what tomorrow will bring? 

But for today, I’m heretyping away and loving every minute of it. 

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